Example Affiliate Deals
On this page we want to give prospective members an idea of what type of affiliate deals are available through our network. Of course, affiliate deals come and go and the deals themselves are also often subject to change depending on the particular merchant's or provider's sales strategy. A merchant might sign up with us in a state of having very few appointments for its sales staff and after a period of say 6 months, for example, have more sales leads than it can reasonably cope with; it may under such circumstances pause its affiliate deal for a few months or alter its terms for a period so that less affiliates produce leads. This is entirely understandable and for this reason we are always looking for new and additional deals to offer to our members so that at any given point in time there are enough attractive deals to provide income.
We have laid out below the outline points of 3 affiliate deals which are currently live and available to our members.
Managed Print Services Merchant
A Direct Action Affiliate Opportunity​
What is the opportunity?
To provide sales leads to the company's in-house sales team.
How would this be best achieved?
By Direct Action. The probable best route would be to identify businesses, schools, charities and other organisations that print materials, utilise invoicing technology or need an information management solution, in the postcodes you are allocated - usually closest to your own address. We will show you how to do this - it's very easy to do from home just using a search engine.
Once you have a list of prospects, the plan would be to make contact with them (by email, telephone or in person - or a combination) with a view to arranging an appointment to receive an assessment of their needs, and then get a completely free no-obligation quote from our affiliated merchant.
It is also possible to use indirect action methods for this, like posting on social media, but we consider it unlikely that indirect action will result in many, if any, leads. Based on our own experience (which is substantial) it is more likely that for this opportunity, asking directly will get the best results.
What are the rewards?
Union Commercial has negotiated a deal that includes a flat fee for any successful referral and a further possibility of an enhancement for a particularly large deal such as maybe multiple printers on different floors of an office block. The commission will be payable to the affiliate after the expiry of any cancellation period (usually 30 days) after the sale is made.
What would be a typical commission?
Members would expect something in the region of £200 per successful conversion.
​How can I do this?
As with all opportunities offered through Union Commercial, full training will be provided together with an email template to use, sales materials and brochures in PDF, a telephone call script to use if calling by phone and a sales script to use if calling at a business premises in person.
Online Retail Merchant
An Indirect Action & Passive Income Affiliate Opportunity​
What is the opportunity?
To get people to go to our affiliate merchant's website and buy something.
How would this be best achieved?
By Indirect Action. On a regular basis we will make a post on TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, X etc., which contains a short ad for an item that the shop sells. This will often be thematic. For example, in December it will be something relating to Christmas or New Year. As you will be follower of all our social media accounts, you will get a notification on your phone and see the posts. All you need to do is put your own unique affiliate link (which we will provide you with) on the bottom of the post and then repost it to your own followers. You might also want to put a little message to personalise it to you, such as "this would make a great Christmas Tree decoration" and any hashtags you might think appropriate.
If one of your followers or someone else who sees it, clicks on your post and buys anything from our affiliated merchant's store, then you will get a commission through the tracking link.
It is also possible to use Direct Action for this, like verbally recommending the store to someone or using an email campaign, but as the commissions are likely to be in pence or pounds rather than the hundreds of pounds, it is not worth spending hours on this one - as a general rule if the expected commission amount per sale is less than £5 then it is an indirect action opportunity. This is one to do a couple of times per week - it will take literally a few minutes. ​
​​What are the rewards?
Union Commercial has negotiated an extremely attractive deal on this one. The initial commission payable to the affiliate will be a percentage of the net basket (cart) value at checkout (i.e. after postage and packing is deducted) AND this store has also agreed to tag any customer coming via one of our affiliate links and ALSO pay repeat commissions made on any additional purchase by the same customer! This is a true PASSIVE INCOME generator as no further action is required by you to get paid again and again, and this firm's products are small value consumables like candles, wax melts and incense; it also specialises in seasonal goods like Halloween, Christmas and Easter, so its customers tend to keep coming back, which is great news for both you and us! ​​
What would be a typical commission?
The merchant has agreed to pay our affiliates 5% of the net value of the checkout. The store sells a wide range of goods so commission amounts will be variable, for example something selling for £100 would pay the affiliate £5.00, something selling for £8.95 would pay 45p. The trick with this one is to spend very little time (a few minutes only) BUT make sure to do it several times per week. Over the years, as customers keep coming back this could build to a tidy annual amount.​
​How can I do this?
This one is super simple; you just add your affiliate link and repost to your own followers the post sent to you by us. That's it. ​​
Website Designer
A Direct Action & Indirect Action Affiliate Opportunity​
What is the opportunity?
To provide sales leads to the designer's in-house sales team.
How would this be best achieved?
By Direct Action. The probable best route would be to identify businesses, schools, charities and other organisations that either do not currently have a website or have a website that is out-dated or otherwise needs attention. The first job would be to compile a prospect list from the postcodes you are allocated - usually closest to your own address - of organisations that have a website issue. This could be from not having a website at all to having one where page links don't work, information is outdated or some other identified problem. We will show you how to do this - it's very easy to do from home just using a search engine or by walking around your locality just noting down businesses and then looking at their websites. You will be surprised at the number of organisations that do not have properly functioning websites. This may be due to affordability or because they have simply done their site years ago and never updated it.
Once you have a list of prospects, the plan would be to make contact with them (by email, telephone or in person - or a combination) with a view to arranging an appointment to receive an assessment of their website requirements, and then get a completely free no-obligation quote from one of our affiliated designers.
It is also possible to use indirect action methods for this, like posting on social media, but we consider it unlikely that indirect action will result in many, if any, leads. Based on our own experience of selling website services it is more likely for this opportunity that asking directly will get the best results.
What are the rewards?
Union Commercial has negotiated deals with several website designers in different parts of the UK. Each pays differently but one deal that is typical is 10% of total fees earned by the designer (i.e., after any domain fee and hosting is taken off).
What would be a typical commission?
A typical basic website would cost somewhere in the region of £500 to £750 so Members would expect something in the region of £50 to £75 per successful conversion.
​How can I do this?
As with all opportunities offered through Union Commercial, full training will be provided together with an email template to use, a telephone call script to use if calling by phone and a sales script to use if calling at a business premises in person.