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Welcome to our bookshop! We have curated a number of books that will be useful to any Affiliate Marketer wishing to get on in the business by increasing his/her knowledge of marketing and by improving his/her frame of mind. Many of the items are classics of the Positive Mental Attitude genre, so beloved by successful sales people - and that includes YOU by the way! These works have inspired generations to keep going when times are tough, which inevitably they sometimes will be. 


We have also included several works of a technical nature - like understanding investment in Whisky and Wine, which both provide exceptional returns and very appealing commissions to affiliates involved in their sale! â€‹Everything here is fulfilled by Amazon and we will receive a commission via our affiliate link for anything purchased - no doubt, you would be rightly disappointed in us if this were not the case! By all means copy this list and post it to your own Website/Facebook et cetera with your own affiliate link if you wish to, but remember to label it correctly as an affiliate link so anyone who sees it knows.​


We encourage ALL our members (and anyone else just visiting) to take time for some self-improvement and to read something positive and uplifting for at least a few minutes each day. The daily papers, TV & Radio News and the world in general, are obsessed by NEGATIVITY... so our advice is this: make your own space, take time for your self, and for just a little while each day, try to focus on POSITIVITY.


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